Written by Adebayo Adekola I have been thinking lately about how to maintain interactivity in online learning. Is it in the course design or in the facilitation or both? How should we maintain interaction when we are miles away from the participant. Yes we all leverage on the fact that we are in the global village and everyone seem to be computer savvy. This brings me to the next question: what do we do to inactive participants too? I sure have many questions. Experts have mentioned that the use of interactive learning methods like videos, voice, quizzes, games, discussion forum e.t.c. can be very helpful. I recently learnt that we also need to pay attention to language; so how does language facilitate interaction? Here are 5 tips: Be personal in your communication. You are talking with humans. Note the word with not at. We often make the mistake to talk at people rather than with them. Communication is 2-way. If a mail is sent, always reply.When the mail is not re...