Another Approach to Training of Trainers (TOT)

Photocredit: I'm currently working on a TOT curriculum for a project in Africa. I came up with certain topics for the curriculum which focused on adult learning, coaching, mentoring, contextualised/experiential learning and feedback. This was based on my experience in TOT sessions within the context. As I worked on the outline for the training, I thought back at the TOT courses which focused on how to train, basically presentation skills and I realised that the real challenge which trainers face is the learning transfer i.e. application on the job. I believe that every trainer should understand that training is more than the classroom and real learning takes place beyond the classroom. What do we expect from the people we train: that they apply the knowledge and skills at their work so why do we focus less on learning transfer when conducting training of trainers at times. Another major point is that unconsciously we focus only on facilitating training in a...