Bridging the gap between theory and practice: The role of corporate world and academia

I recently attended a seminar at the University of Amsterdam on the role of blended learning in global health education. At the reception after the seminar, a senior colleague made a profound statement which I agree with completely. Simply put in my own words,"Practice makes no meaning without a firmly established theoretical background". I don't know how many of you agree with me but I think it is absolutely important to understand the theory first because theory enables practice. It cuts across all disciplines.

What is the role of universities/higher institutions and corporate world in bridging the gap between theory and practice? Most times the universities get so caught up in theory that they leave the application.The corporate world is sometimes adverse to suggestions from the universities saying that it does not work in practice. We must understand that products of higher institutions face the real world immediately after and credibility of study comes when you can apply what you have learnt. The corporate world should realize that higher institutions are there to provide solutions to the problems they face.

How we bridge the gap between theory and practice?

  1. Teach theory and show application in the real world
  2. Combine both study with practice/internships
  3. Research should focus on making improvements in the real world; in other words, provide solutions to real life problems
  4. Seek more participation of the corporate world in university activities
  5. Use your alumni as a tool for demonstrating the role of theory in enabling effective practice
  6. Publish; publish; publish. One day someone will read and take action.
  1. Partner with Universities
  2. Collaborate with universities in your corporate universities
  3. Universities have a role in driving innovation; challenge them
  4. Fund relevant activities particularly research
  5. Involve universities in your community of practice
  6. The higher institutions should be aware of problems faced by the corporate world
We all have a role to continually innovate together rather than apart. We can conquer mountains together.


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