The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is the act of being thankful; the ability to appreciate the simple things in life, people, environment and perspective. It seems easy on the surface but it takes a lot to be thankful. It is a general view of realizing that we have a reason, even if it is one, to be thankful. You will not always “feel” thankful. Life will throw curve balls. Things around may make you question why you need to be thankful. 2020 and its happenings may give you all the reasons. Stop to think and you will realize that getting out of bed each day is enough reason to be thankful.

Gratitude has the power to change perspectives. A question for us all: what are you thankful for? It is so easy to see the negatives and lose sight of the positives.

In this season of thanksgiving, here are things you should be grateful for: family, friends, finances, health, career and every little thing you have. It is easy to fall into the trap of complaining but make a choice to be thankful. Be filled with thanks.

Learn gratitude by appreciating who you are. Learn gratitude by appreciating others. Learn gratitude by appreciating things money cannot buy -  health, love, family and peace of mind.Learn gratitude by appreciating your career. Learn gratitude by appreciating your environment.Learn gratitude by appreciating the basics we take for granted. It is worth it every single time when we are thankful.

Make a simple gratitude list and paste it somewhere you can see each day.

Happy thanksgiving! 


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