Employee Orientation Program: The right way (Part 1)

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Many headaches at work could have been resolved with proper orientation. That is the fact even if you choose to argue the point.  I have seen many types of employee orientation and I will mention a few:
1.       You are given a handbook to read hundreds of pages
2.       You meet with all managers for 30mins – 1 hr
3.       Your manager provides all the orientation
4.       You can be given a classroom orientation for some weeks or months
5.       You can be attached to a buddy that provides guidance during the first few weeks
6.       You can have an online training only
While I do not dispute the effectiveness of these different approaches to employee orientation; I think that sometimes we undermine the importance of a comprehensive orientation in driving employee engagement and retention. I will start with common challenges with employee orientation
-Too much to read leading to information overload
-Inconsistent approach by managers
-Lengthy classroom trainings
-Wrong orientation from attached “buddy”
-Boring online trainings which applies to number 1 above

-1st day or week apprehension


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