Using your internal talent as trainers

Every year
organizations spend money on consultants for a whole lot of things and training
is not left out. We go through rigorous processes to select the best. I
will like to see things from another perspective and that is developing
trainers within the organization. You will spend but trust me not as much when
using external consultants in the long run.
Let me be frank with you; THE BEST RESOURCES ARE WITHIN YOUR ORGANIZATION. They understand the system, people and culture within the organization. What we see is that a lot of organization shy away from this wealth of resource and continue on a ride with too many consultants.
Tips for using internal talent as trainers
1. Determine the competencies required for each job role. Nothing complex.
2. Categorize the training offerings that will address the required competencies. Those trainings that can be facilitated by internal talents and external consultants.
3. Design a simple framework for utilizing internal talent for technical and soft skills trainings. Gain appropriate approval as required.
4. Determine who can train on what subject matter. Mind you, many will not be confident in themselves at first. Encourage them and most importantly help them believe in themselves.
5.Involve the managers; it is best to allow them choose the people. They know them better.
6. Train the internal talent on how to be trainers. Take them through a training of trainers (TOT).
7. Use them immediately and frequently after the TOT
8. Have an internal trainers forum to discuss on training delivery model, challenges and how to improve. Call them your internal faculty.
9. Appreciate the trainers on a mid yearly or yearly basis. Send a word to their managers about their good work.
10. Spread the word about their good work within the organization through internal communication channels.
11. Let the internal trainers learn from the external consultants. Consultants are available for a short period so it is value for money to pass and keep the knowledge within the organization.
12. Leadership buy-in is SO important and they should be included as trainers. The CEO should be the first internal trainer and number 1 supporter.
There are immense benefit in using internal talent as trainers and it saves cost in the long run. Think about it.
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