Learning is Change and Change is Learning

What is the purpose of LEARNING? Is it not for CHANGE? Change in knowledge, skills and attitude. Why don't we use change management principles in learning? What are the change management principles?
In initiating learning ,do we recognize the need for change? Every learning opportunity is a tool for change. What about building consensus? Learning occurs in teams and groups. We need to build an agreement between the trainer, coach or mentor and the learner. How does the learning fit into our culture? Organizational culture can either facilitate or disrupt the learning process. 
We also need to plan for learning; just as we do for any change initiative. Always look for that element in the organizational culture that facilitates learning. The lack of impact in many learning initiatives is as a result of non-alignment with the organizational culture.We need to identify the desired outcome; build a learning culture rather than a learning event; communicate the learning goals in a clear and coordinated manner.
In implementing learning, what resources are required? people, materials, support, communications? Motivation is key in learning; always identify early wins. Communication is learning and learning is communication. Let it be 2-way: upwards and downwards. Again align culture, policies, structure and vision with the learning.
Learning should not end after one event; we need to sustain the learning beyond the event or environment or person. Learning should be internalized but beyond that it should grow to be a community of learners. That is why cultural alignment is important. Build a community rather than a participant list. Evaluation of learning cannot be overemphasized; it starts when the learning initiative is conceived. In building a community, we share and learn. Always share; learning is sharing; when sharing is not part of a learning experience, it is not effective. When learning occurs, change is the result.


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