The Psychology of the Modern Day Learner

Infographic by Deloitte

Everything is not about technology; for the modern day learner I believe technology is not the real problem. Technology has improved learning considerable but do we know the modern day learner? It transcends the generational types; it is our interest, beliefs, motivation and values.

Culture is a way of life and whether we agree or not, we all have a culture. If not personal, we have in our work places, communities, states or countries. It might be unwritten but we know it, we feel it and we see it everyday; though we are advocates of globalization.

Who is the modern day learner?

The modern day learner is aware that learning is important but hardly has the time for learning. He or she wants to learn but cannot spend hours pouring over materials either hard or soft copy. The modern day learners know what they want. Besides, they have Google to the rescue.

The modern day learner is in search of real time information without stress; why learn when I know where it is already?

The modern day learner is tired of the endless list of trainings and wondering why they are off again for another training just because it is important they attend. In their mind, it is time off work.

The modern day learner is intrigued by discussions and fascinated by those who have walked the path. In these discussions, they find meaning, reach conclusions and form opinions.

The modern day learner is constantly looking for change which is motivated by their personal lives and where they want to be; though the fear of the unknown, often times, crippled them.

The modern day learners knows the face and voice of value; value is more than expression; it is a deep connection that acknowledges the vulnerability of each of us in the present day.

The modern day learner is not just after theory; they see practice but most importantly vision.

Where are they?
They are in the next cubicle, driving next to you, waiting with you at the train station, riding in the bus with you, living in your home and walking in your neighbourhood.

It is more than just churning out learning; it is connecting with the modern day learner and what truly motivates them.

Are you one?


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