Transforming a reactive training or learning department (Part 4)

Good to have you back on our series on transforming a reactive training or learning department.

I hope you have clearly documented at least 3 measurable impact of training or learning initiative closely aligned to the business results.

Now we will take a close look at how to proceed with the transformation. Notice that we stated with what we would evaluate. 

We need to look at the training or learning initiative(s) in place currently if they help us meet the desired business results or goals. For example, why offer a training on communications if it is not closely linked to a performance need that recognizes that lack of effective communication is affecting our business goals. I do understand that some organisations have robust competency frameworks guiding how learning should take place; however we have to categorize our training or learning initiatives to focus on that which is most effective to drive business results and not just a routine activity.

Start with having a repository of  Knowledge, Skills and Attitude required by each functional area to achieve their role in the overall business goals

This should be linked to performance management process. Nothing too complex. I have sat in many performance reviews and nothing is mentioned on previous learning plan and how far they have achieved the plan. The training or learning department is working in silo and this gives no meaning to the entire performance management process and overall HR strategy.

Tip: Create an excel sheet for each functional area and add in KSA for each job role in the unit. It will help you get started. Remember to link them to how they are crucial to the desired business results.

If you have more questions, send to or just put in a comment.


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