Reactive training department

How easy it is to become a reactive training department blown by every happening in the organisation. This topic is crucial in the light of so many trainings but little impact.

How do you identify a reactive training department?

1.The unit/department is not visible in the organisation. It is not seen as one of the integral part of the organisational structure or processes.
2. They are not solution providers rather they wait for orders" from other units.
3. "Every problem requires training" philosophy is a sure sign of a reactive training department
4.They work with consultants for everything while they are concerned with only administrative work.
5.The unit has just one solution - classroom training. Learning is multifaceted.
6.The team comprises people who have no passion or knowledge of learning and how it should be done.
7. There is no link with overall HR strategy.
8. Evaluation is majorly on happy sheets not business improvement.
9. Staff cannot see the value of learning.
10. Trainings or learning activities are not linked to business goals.

Are you in a reactive training/learning unit?

Watch out for part 2 where we talk about how to revive a reactive training/learning unit to make it proactive and relevant.


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