Transforming a reactive training or learning department (Part 3)
Why should you consider
what is evaluated after training? It will get you thinking about impact rather
completion of activity or training numbers only.
I do have an
action plan for my committed readers.
Write down at least 3 measurable ways in which the
learning interventions have improved business results.
Note the word
measurable. It should be measurable with data to show.
If you found it
hard to write down anything or you mumbled some words like "how will I
start?"; "We have never done this"; " It is too
cumbersome" ;" This is not what we normally do", then you need
to start think about MEASURABLE ways to state training impact.
The second step
after recognizing the need for change is to look at how to measure the impact
of the trainings you do. What can we do? Watch out for Part 4.
Think about it.
Kirkpatrick Model for Evaluating Effectiveness of Training Programs
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