
Showing posts from July, 2015

Transforming a reactive learning unit (Part 6) - It's time to work with other teams or units or department have to go to the mountain. One way to transform your learning unit is by working with other units. You have to be proactive to find ways to work with them. For example,  ----A new product has been developed and a campaign plan is ongoing. What can the learning unit do to be part of the product launch? Can the learning unit train staff or key retailers in an innovative way on  the new product and its features? ----What about a unit undergoing a restructuring? Can the learning unit help them through the change process? -----  The sale team just hired 4 new sales executives and the manager desires a specialized training program for them. Can the learning unit design a simple and effective learning program for their successful integration into the sale team and also into the market where the company operates? ------The customer complaints have doubled in recent times and it has been brought up in the management team. What can the learning t...

Transforming a reactive learning unit or department (Part 5)

I hope you all enjoyed my last write-up on transforming a reactive learning unit or department. Just a quick recap: 1st step - Identify the need for change 2nd step - Develop measurable training impacts. If you cannot see the impact, no one will. 3rd step - Come up with a  knowledge, skill and attitude (KSA)  inventory that is linked to the job role and business goals.  4th we go. To transform your learning department or unit or team, you need to link your KSA to your learning initiatives. Enough of trainings for the sake of having training numbers or hours at the end of the year. For example a marketing role requires ability to develop business i.e. business development. This is crucial to the business growth and simply gaining new businesses. The marketing personnel should be able to identify business opportunities and develop proposal or approach clients with these solutions (services or products). How should they be trained in this cru...

Transforming a reactive training or learning department (Part 4)

Good to have you back on our series on transforming a reactive training or learning department. I hope you have clearly documented at least 3 measurable impact of training or learning initiative closely aligned to the business results. Now we will take a close look at how to proceed with the transformation. Notice that we stated with what we would evaluate.  We need to look at the training or learning initiative(s) in place currently if they help us meet the desired business results or goals. For example, why offer a training on communications if it is not closely linked to a performance need that recognizes that lack of effective communication is affecting our business goals. I do understand that some organisations have robust competency frameworks guiding how learning should take place; however we have to categorize our training or learning initiatives to focus on that which is most effective to drive business results and not just a routine activity. Start with hav...

Transforming a reactive training or learning department (Part 3)

Why should you consider what is evaluated after training? It will get you thinking about impact rather completion of  activity or training numbers only. I do have an action plan for my committed readers. Write down at least 3 measurable ways in which the learning interventions have improved business results.  Note the word measurable. It should be measurable with data to show. If you found it hard to write down anything or you mumbled some words like "how will I start?"; "We have never done this"; " It is too cumbersome" ;" This is not what we normally do", then you need to start think about MEASURABLE  ways to state training impact. The second step after recognizing the need for change is to look at how to measure the impact of the trainings you do. What can we do? Watch out for Part 4. Think about it. Tip: Kirkpatrick Model f...

Changing a reactive training/learning unit or department (Part 2)

It's part 2 of our reactive training or learning department series. What is that one step we need to take to transform a  reactive training unit  to a  proactive one ? Well it is one step at a step. I don't want to use complex English words like business process re-engineering.  The first step is to recognize the need to change. If you think you are doing a great job;you probably think that you do not need change. If you also conduct loads of training, you probably would think you are doing a lot of work. What is most important is to see how the learning affects the business results. Are the trainings on offer really making a positive change that affects the business results/goals? Are we just responding to requests or critically analyzing what is the most effective solutions to the performance problem(s)? Training only responds to knowledge and skills.  What is the one question on your mind right now? What am I suppose to do I suppose? Here is one qu...

Reactive training department

How easy it is to become a reactive training department blown by every happening in the organisation. This topic is crucial in the light of so many trainings but little impact. How do you identify a reactive training department? 1.The unit/department is not visible in the organisation. It is not seen as one of the integral part of the organisational structure or processes. 2. They are not solution providers rather they wait for orders" from other units. 3. "Every problem requires training" philosophy is a sure sign of a reactive training department 4.They work with consultants for everything while they are concerned with only administrative work. 5.The unit has just one solution - classroom training. Learning is multifaceted. 6.The team comprises people who have no passion or knowledge of learning and how it should be done. 7. There is no link with overall HR strategy. 8. Evaluation is majorly on happy sheets not business improvement. 9. Staff ca...

Do I need a degree in education to be a learning expert?

Maybe you just found yourself in the field of work place learning or human resource development. You are wondering if you should head off for an additional degree in education or learning or performance improvement.  First I think that a first degree is a good start for any one irrespective of discipline. What you really need is a " willingness to learn ". You cannot design or train others if you do not have that passion yourself. That passion helps you think critically about what is best for others. A degree in education means nothing  if you lack the passion to drive the process of learning which is never a 100 metres dash. If you have a first degree, you are on the right path for a career in learning or training or performance improvement. Some do start with human resource; while I would not get into the learning and HR dichotomy that sometimes exist. I urge everyone to see each other as partners. If you do have questions, send an email to


It has been on my mind to start a blog that will focus on everything about learning. I decided to call it learning club; don’t bother about the number. The blog will focus on everything about learning. How people learn; why learning is important; how to design instruction; how to deliver training etc. Join me every week as we journey together at the learning club virtual space.