Company website/portal as a learning tool

Lately I have decided to explore other ways of learning aside the classroom way. I see that many times we do not use what we have to get what we want i.e. to learn and drive a learning organization. Please mind you just because you send people out for trainings or you have a learning academy doesn't make you a learning organization. A learning organization provides a psychological safety net for sharing and acquiring knowledge for the purpose of innovation. That is another topic for another day.

Today we will be looking at what we do with our company website/portal and how it can be used as a learning tool:

 Is there a "resources" section? How can learning occur if we do not share our knowledge products e.g annual report, newly developed tools, updated processes? It is important to have a resource section that provides  information for your investors, customer and staff as well. We cannot say we are learning and nothing is being produced in terms of knowledge tools. We learn as we develop resources because it forces us to look at what we have and how it should be documented for another person's understanding.

Is there update on new products or services or projects on your website?
I don't want to use the word "dead" website. We have too many dead company websites with no updates or anything interesting. It is the same way it is when it was designed initially. Regular updates shows a commitment to sharing information which is important for learning. 

Is there a staff focused page or intranet?
Apart from a website, it will be good to have an intranet where almost everything needed or produced by each department is captured. A staff intranet facilitates communication and that is what is needed for learning to occur. If we do not communicate and communicate truthfully in a safe environment, learning is  mere lip service.

How is the learning team working with the communications team?
It is high time we break down inter-departmental walls and work together to create a learning organization. A learning organization is one in which learning occurs at all levels through effective communication and a drive to transform what already exist as knowledge. Simply put: it is one where I know what you are doing and you know what I'm doing too.

How is the website designed to facilitate easy access to inform investors, customers and internal staff?
It is common sight to see a website with resources but you have to go through a laborious process of accessing the information. Learning is access to information; so make it easy to access information. 

Who says your website cannot be a learning tool too?

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