Frequent Performance discussion as a learning tool

We have all sat in those performance discussions, as I wish to call it, that seem to be a boring meeting about what you have done in the last 6 months or one year. Probably you walked out of the door feeling the same way you felt 2-3 years back. Performance reviews seem to be a routine with no real meaning anymore to many employees.
Here are ways to use frequent performance discussions for learning and performance improvement. Note the word frequent not once in every 6 months or a year. You can call it a discussion; "review" sounds like a court room while "discussion" sounds more personal and encouraging
1. What was agreed upon in the last discussion? What actions should have taken place? We have to start somewhere. We are concerned about progress here.
2. Change will only occur with frequent communication. Communicate the desired expectation early enough and discuss how to achieve them. 
3. Keep an open door for people to discuss their challenges. We all have challenges so try to understand their challenge in achieving a set goal or deliverable.
4. Learning is personal and you need to connect with the person before they learn. Get to know them more than  just work. Show that you truly care about their well being and what is important to them.
5.See performance reviews as a learning opportunity by stating clearly what should have been achieved, challenges, ways of improvement and how the organisation can provide support. 
6. Never attack personality but be truthful about individual attitude and ways to improve them.
7. Always ask for an individual learning plan/goal and follow up on it. It could be as simple as reading a book on a certain subject.
8. For supervisor or managers,work itself is learning so be a teacher, mentor , coach, counselor as the situation demands. They have to be taught any way; no one is a born a coach or teacher.
9. I suggest 360 degree approach. You need to see from all angles not your team alone. What are other teams saying about the person's work? This is important for real growth.
10. Always show the link between performance reviews and learning opportunities. There should be a clear path. No one should attend a training for the sake of attendance; how is it linked to your last performance discussion, career path and aspirations.
11. I'm amazed at how people have performance discussions without jotting down anything. You should have a pen and note for the discussion. How do you remember what has been said and agreed upon? Performance discussions should be documented and agreed upon by parties involved. It can be a simple email.
Enough of having performance discussions (formerly review) because it is written in the policy; use it as a learning tool. You can start today.
You can send an email to for more information.


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