Tips for effective E-LEARNING from the user perspective
Often we read
about e-learning from the perspective of the developer and hardly think about
the user. Forget the end of course evaluation that is only for reports. While
we all know that online learning saves cost and is often times a one -time cost
compared with the face-to-face learning, it is important to note that the
blended or 70/20/10 approach is the best.
Here are the
tips for effective e-learning:
1. Make it relevant to the
user and what he/she does. There are too many boring content flying
around in the e-learning world.
2. Participants get easily
discouraged when they spent hours trying to navigate the online
environment. Tell them how to get started in a simple manner not a text book
literature. The number one reason for discouragement in e-learning is the
wasted time trying to navigate the online environment or get started. We all
know that most people are not so patient.
Let the content be engaging. You have to put into consideration the
bandwidth by the way but don't put up all text in the same colour and format. My brain goes to sleep immediately.
If you have to use text, think of a novel. What keeps the reader spell
bound? the suspense; connection with the reader and their immediate
environment. The text is in the same format anyway.
5. A picture or video can pass
the message. Text is good but we all know the general attitude to reading
lengthy documents.
Online platform can have a human face with constant interaction. Whether
you like it or not, people get discouraged by the 3rd or 4th lesson; so check
up on them by email or phone call. Phone calls might not be possible with
a large number of participants. Send a personalized email not a
general email reminder. "Dear Sarah" versus "Dear all/
participant". "Dear Sarah" makes a huge difference.
7. Questions from participants
should be answered speedily. Please don't wait for 3 days to reply a simple
request from participants.
8. Always have a recap after each
The assessments in e-learning are meant to enhance learning so design them
such that the questions enable thinking rather than a quick reference to the
text for answers. Don't make it too difficult either.
10. There's something special
about the way the course starts and ends. I would probably remember a grand
entrance and amazing finish. Start with a short story, video or a game.
Maybe end the course with a personalized story that will bring about response.
11. Online discussion is valuable;
have you seen how people type away with chats? If the discussion is not lively,
ask a participant to lead the discussion. You can ask them to suggest discussion
topics and have them lead the topics one after the one.
12. Be mindful of the age of your
learners. It will determine a whole lot with the way the learning will go. You
have to find that one thing that will excite them.
13. Who wouldn't be surprised with
a short video from you as the facilitator? A 3 min video
can be very helpful.
Online learning
can be as effective as face-to-face learning. The next time someone argues with
you; tell him or her not to read his or her emails again. Be it online or
face-to-face learning ,we are all trying to communicate something valuable.
Adebayo Adekola
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